Start your day right

Highland Park pool, Spring 1985

God is the source of all wisdom. He has a plan for you. But he’s not going to be slotted into that open space you have in your calendar the Thursday after next.

Remember, he comes first – before anything else. As the first psalm reminds us, you must seek him, put yourself daily in his path, and open yourself to “the law of the LORD,” scripture.

From that practice, you will be “like a tree firmly planted,” receiving confirmation, correction, and direction directly from THE stream of all goodness and wisdom. Not only will it set the tone for the rest of your day, but you’ll find with a little practice that it truly is a delight.

And above all, you’ll be honoring your Maker.

Contact me if you’d like a practical plan as to how to do this, how to engage in daily devotion and prayer. It takes fifteen minutes a day, tops.